Wednesday November 2nd 2022

-Get involved with the Pirate Players' 2023 musical, The Wizard of Oz!  Auditions are Nov 7, 8, & 9.  Stage Manager & Crew Aps are due Nov 8.  Pick up an Information Packet from the Call Board outside room A213 and see

-PHS is exploring careers at Pattonville's Annual Career Fair. Tomorrow during Homeroom come to the Main Gym and MultiPurpose Room to speak with over 60 presenters about career pathways and opportunities. Seniors, done exploring careers? Come see Mrs. Luraschi in B104 during this time for quick questions about college applications and financial aid. Don’t forget to fill out and turn in your career fair sheet to enter the raffle for prizes! We’ll see you at the fair!


-Parkwood PTA is bringing back indoor movie nights! They need 4 volunteers on Thursday, Nov. 10th. 4:30pm-8pm

See the community service page on PHS website for the link to sign up! 


-Key Club Will be meeting after school today in G112


-Please congratulate the girls and boy's cross country teams for their performances at the Districts meet this past Saturday. Pattonville will be represented at the State meet this Friday by Senior, Rebecca Simpkins, Junior Luke Stevenson, and Sophomore Simon Muthemba. Congratulations Pirates and best of luck at State!