- Category: Remington
If you are interested in applying for the Academy of Innovation at Remington Lottery, please complete this form (one per student).
The applications must be submitted by March 26, 2024 to be included in the lottery.
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Each month during the school year, the Pattonville Board of Education honors students, staff and volunteers who have gained recognition outside of the district or who’ve made a special contribution to Pattonville. Learn more about students and staff who were recognized this month.
The 16th annual Pattonville Area-Wide Middle School Book Battle was held on May 9 at Pattonville Heights Middle School with 25 teams. Holman Middle School, Pattonville Heights Middle School and Remington Traditional School each had a team competing at the event.
The team from Parkway South Middle School won the Book Battle with Ladue Middle School and Parkway West Middle finishing in second and third place, respectively.
The book battle gives middle school students in the St. Louis area the opportunity to meet and discuss current books of interest. The Area-Wide Book Battle Committee creates a list of 20 books that includes a variety of genres and reading levels.
On June 13, the Pattonville Board of Education heard an update on changes planned for Remington Traditional School. Part of Remington’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) work this year was researching and reviewing possible learning models to implement. The committee met six times throughout the school year. The first few meetings centered on researching and reviewing different learning models and the second phase focused on community engagement. The chosen learning model will be one created by students, families and staff and unique to Remington.
Do you have your tickets? Order here.
Tiger Troupe will be performing Newsies's Jr. this Friday and Saturday!
Location: Pattonville High School Auditorium
April 28 @ 7:00pm
April 29 @ 2:00pm
Any remaining tickets will be available at the door.
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